email officiel.vc-colfontaine@colfontaine.be
idBE 0216.691.367
Commune de ColfontaineFR
Place de Wasmes 22 · 7340 Colfontaine
BE 2.158.764.395Carré communal Yvon Biefnot
BE 2.158.764.692Maison communale à Wasmes
BE communale Arthur Naze
BE communale Rampe Anfouette
BE communale du Cambry
BE communale Albert Libiez
BEémie de musique de Colfontaine/ Ecole communale du Quesnoy
BE 2.187.985.151Ecole communale Achille Delattre
BE 2.187.985.349Ecole communale Emile Genin
BE 2.187.985.943Ecole communale Achille Dieu
BE 2.187.986.240Ecole communale Baille Cariotte
BE 2.224.825.751Les P'tits Loups
BE 2.315.972.295null
BE 2.315.972.493null
BE 2.315.972.592null
BE 2.315.972.691null
BE 2.315.972.889null
BE 2.315.972.988null
seeAlso Companyweb
KBO Public Search
Nationale Bank
Open Corporates
Open Corporates API
Social Security
Trends Top
VIES VAT number validation
	"id": 216691367,
	"type": 2,
	"start": "1977-01-01",
	"name": "Commune de Colfontaine",
	"seeAlso": {
		"companyweb": "https://www.companyweb.be/gratisBTWopzoeken_rechercherTVAgratuit_detail.asp?source=&vat=216691367",
		"databe": "https://data.be/en/company/0216691367",
		"ejustice": "http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi_tsv/tsv_rech.pl?language=nl&btw=0216691367&liste=Liste",
		"finactum": "https://www.finactum.be/nl/company/BE0216691367",
		"graydon": "http://www.graydon.be/portal_creditel/link.aspx?typ=rap&lnk=216691367",
		"infobel": "https://www.infobel.com/nl/belgium/financial/vat/BE0216691367",
		"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/0216_691_367",
		"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=0216691367",
		"nbb": "http://cri.nbb.be/bc9/web/catalog?lang=N&companyNr=0216691367",
		"opencorporates": "https://opencorporates.com/companies/be/0216691367",
		"opencorporatesapi": "https://api.opencorporates.com/companies/be/0216691367",
		"socialsecurity": "https://www.socialsecurity.be/app014/wrep/rep_gp.do?language=nl&ACCESS_TYPE=0&ACTION=1&REP_KEY_TYPE=12&REP_LIMIT_DATE=&REP_KEY_VALUE=0216691367",
		"staatsbladmonitor": "https://www.staatsbladmonitor.be/bedrijfsfiche.html?ondernemingsnummer=0216691367",
		"trendstop": "http://trendstop.knack.be/en/detail/0216691367",
		"vies": "http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/vatResponse.html?memberStateCode=BE&number=0216691367"
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	"addresses": [
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			"municipality": "Colfontaine",
			"street": "Place de Wasmes",
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	"establishments": [
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			"start": "1993-01-01",
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			"name": "Carr\u00e9 communal Yvon Biefnot",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "https://data.be/en/branch/2158764395",
				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_158_764_395",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2158764395"
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					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Carr\u00e9 communal Yvon Biefnot"
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			"addresses": [
					"zip": "7340",
					"municipality": "Colfontaine",
					"street": "Rue du Pont d'Arcole",
					"housenumber": "14",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": [
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					"grp": "3",
					"nace": 75114,
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			"id": 2158764692,
			"start": "1993-01-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
			"name": "Maison communale \u00e0 Wasmes",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "https://data.be/en/branch/2158764692",
				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_158_764_692",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2158764692"
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					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Maison communale \u00e0 Wasmes"
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			"id": 2167247937,
			"start": "2007-01-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
			"name": "Ecole communale Arthur Naze",
			"seeAlso": {
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_167_247_937",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2167247937"
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					"language": "FR",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Ecole communale Arthur Naze"
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			"addresses": [
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			"id": 2167248036,
			"start": "2007-01-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
			"name": "Ecole communale Rampe Anfouette",
			"seeAlso": {
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_167_248_036",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2167248036"
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					"language": "FR",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Ecole communale Rampe Anfouette"
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					"value": "065/88 73 40"
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			"id": 2167248234,
			"start": "2007-01-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
			"name": "Ecole communale  du Cambry",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "https://data.be/en/branch/2167248234",
				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_167_248_234",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2167248234"
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					"language": "FR",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Ecole communale  du Cambry"
			"contacts": [
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					"via": "TEL",
					"value": "065/88 73 40"
					"id": 2167248234,
					"via": "EMAIL",
					"value": "accueil@colfontaine.be"
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			"start": "2007-01-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
			"name": "Ecole communale Albert Libiez",
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_167_248_333",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2167248333"
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					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Ecole communale Albert Libiez"
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					"value": "065/88 73 40"
					"id": 2167248333,
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					"value": "accueil@colfontaine.be"
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			"start": "2007-01-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
			"name": "Acad\u00e9mie de musique de Colfontaine/ Ecole communale du Quesnoy",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "https://data.be/en/branch/2167248432",
				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_167_248_432",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2167248432"
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					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Acad\u00e9mie de musique de Colfontaine/ Ecole communale du Quesnoy"
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					"via": "TEL",
					"value": "065/88 73 40"
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					"value": "accueil@colfontaine.be"
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			"start": "2007-01-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
			"name": "Ecole communale Achille Delattre",
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_187_985_151",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2187985151"
			"denominations": [
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					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Ecole communale Achille Delattre"
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			"addresses": [
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			"start": "2007-01-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
			"name": "Ecole communale Emile Genin",
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_187_985_349",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2187985349"
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					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Ecole communale Emile Genin"
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					"nace": 85103,
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			"id": 2187985943,
			"start": "2007-01-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
			"name": "Ecole communale Achille Dieu",
			"seeAlso": {
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_187_985_943",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2187985943"
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					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Ecole communale Achille Dieu"
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			"start": "2007-01-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_187_986_240",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2187986240"
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					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Ecole communale Baille Cariotte"
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			"start": "2010-09-01",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_224_825_751",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2224825751"
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					"language": "FR",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Les P'tits Loups"
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					"street": "Rue Louise Michel",
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			"start": "2021-04-19",
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					"street": "Cit\u00e9 de l'Abbaye",
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			"start": "2021-04-19",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
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			"start": "2021-04-19",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_315_972_592",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2315972592"
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					"value": "065/88 73 40"
					"id": 2315972592,
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					"value": "accueil@colfontaine.be"
			"addresses": [
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					"municipality": "Colfontaine",
					"street": "Place de Wasmes",
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				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2315972691"
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					"value": "065/88 73 40"
					"id": 2315972691,
					"via": "EMAIL",
					"value": "accueil@colfontaine.be"
			"addresses": [
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					"municipality": "Colfontaine",
					"street": "Rue des Alli\u00e9s",
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			"activities": [
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			"id": 2315972889,
			"start": "2021-04-19",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
			"name": null,
			"seeAlso": {
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_315_972_889",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2315972889"
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					"value": "065/88 73 40"
					"id": 2315972889,
					"via": "EMAIL",
					"value": "accueil@colfontaine.be"
			"addresses": [
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					"street": "Place de P\u00e2turages",
					"housenumber": "19",
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			"activities": [
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			"start": "2021-04-19",
			"enterprise": 216691367,
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				"kbodata": "http://data.kbodata.be/organisation/2_315_972_988",
				"kbopub": "http://kbopub.economie.fgov.be/kbopub/zoeknummerform.html?nummer=2315972988"
			"denominations": [],
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					"via": "TEL",
					"value": "065/88 73 40"
					"id": 2315972988,
					"via": "EMAIL",
					"value": "accueil@colfontaine.be"
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "7340",
					"municipality": "Colfontaine",
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			"activities": [
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