data snapshot v12 · 2024-05-31
idBE 0212.214.125
Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn van GentNL
Onderbergen 86 · 9000 Gent
BE 2.160.657.974WZC Het Heiveld
BE 2.160.658.172Emancipatorische Projecten
BE 2.160.658.271LDC Ten Hove
BE 2.160.659.558WB Gent Noord - Emancipatorische werking
BE 2.160.659.954LDC De Horizon
BE 2.160.662.231WB Bloemekenswijk
BE 2.160.666.387WZC Zonnebloem
BE 2.160.666.684HRM - OZ: Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening - Onthaal CPF - Veiligheid
BE 2.160.667.674LDC De Vlasschaard
BE 2.160.668.367WB Brugse Poort
BE 2.160.668.565LDC De Regenboog
BE 2.160.680.641Groep van assistentiewoningen Antoniushof
BE 2.160.680.839LDC Speltinckx
BE 2.160.681.037LDC De Thuishaven
BE 2.160.681.433Facitlity - Leerwerkplekken
BE 2.160.681.730Woonbegeleiding - WB Gent Zuid
BE 2.160.682.126Pol fracties
BE 2.160.682.225Gezondheid en zorg
BE 2.160.682.621OZ / gedetacheerden / art.60 privé
BE 2.160.682.720Secretarie - Voorlichting en Drukkerij - Communicatie en kwaliteit - Centrale administratie
BE 2.160.686.480WB Nieuw Gent
BE 2.160.686.678Pension De Baai
BE 2.160.687.074Welzijn en Samenleving
BE 2.160.687.668LDC De Boei
BE 2.160.687.965WZC De Liberteyt
BE 2.160.688.064WZC De Vijvers
BE St Amandsberg - Dienst Thuislozenzorg
BE 2.205.602.925LDC Wibier
BE 2.205.603.717LDC De Waterspiegel
BE 2.215.302.628Dienstenbedrijf Sociale Economie
BE 2.225.710.728De welzijnsknoop - LDC De Knoop - WB Gentbrugge/Ledeberg
BE Stroom
BE 2.248.791.580Stadskantoor
BE Stroom
BE 2.269.470.495LDC De Mantel
BE 2.269.470.693WZC Zuiderlicht
BE 2.273.421.464De Zwarte Doos - Archief
BE 2.287.659.480Groep van assistentiewoningen Wibier
BE 2.287.659.579Groep van assistentiewoningen De Zonnetuin
BE 2.289.878.505Facility Management
BE 2.294.707.521FM Dienst Service en Logistiek / FM Ondersteuning
BE 2.294.708.016Diensten Stadhuis - Kabinetten
BE 2.338.315.058Lokaal sociaal beleid
seeAlso Companyweb
KBO Public Search
Nationale Bank
Open Corporates
Open Corporates API
Social Security
Trends Top
VIES VAT number validation
	"id": 212214125,
	"type": 2,
	"start": "1968-01-01",
	"name": "Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn van Gent",
	"seeAlso": {
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		"databe": "",
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			"nametype": 1,
			"name": "Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn van Gent"
			"id": 212214125,
			"language": "NL",
			"nametype": 2,
			"name": "O.C.M.W."
	"contacts": [],
	"addresses": [
			"zip": "9000",
			"municipality": "Gent",
			"street": "Onderbergen",
			"housenumber": "86",
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			"extra": "",
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	"establishments": [
			"id": 2160657974,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "WZC Het Heiveld",
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				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160657974,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "WZC Het Heiveld"
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			"addresses": [
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					"municipality": "Gent",
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					"housenumber": "776",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160658172,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "Emancipatorische Projecten",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160658172,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Emancipatorische Projecten"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9040",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Antwerpsesteenweg",
					"housenumber": "778",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160658271,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "LDC Ten Hove",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160658271,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "LDC Ten Hove"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Begijnhofdries",
					"housenumber": "15",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160659558,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "WB Gent Noord - Emancipatorische werking",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160659558,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "WB Gent Noord - Emancipatorische werking"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Edward Anseeleplein",
					"housenumber": "7",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160659954,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "LDC De Horizon",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160659954,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "LDC De Horizon"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Ferdinand Lousbergskaai",
					"housenumber": "12",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160662231,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "WB Bloemekenswijk",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160662231,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "WB Bloemekenswijk"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Francisco Ferrerlaan",
					"housenumber": "273",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160666387,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "WZC Zonnebloem",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160666387,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "WZC Zonnebloem"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9052",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Hutsepotstraat",
					"housenumber": "29",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160666684,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "HRM - OZ: Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening - Onthaal CPF - Veiligheid",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160666684,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "HRM - OZ: Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening - Onthaal CPF - Veiligheid"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Jubileumlaan",
					"housenumber": "217",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160667674,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "LDC De Vlasschaard",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160667674,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "LDC De Vlasschaard"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Jubileumlaan",
					"housenumber": "219",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160668367,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "WB Brugse Poort",
			"seeAlso": {
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				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160668367,
					"language": "NL",
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					"name": "WB Brugse Poort"
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			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Kempstraat",
					"housenumber": "150",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160668565,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
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			"seeAlso": {
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				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160668565,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "LDC De Regenboog"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Lucas de Heerestraat",
					"housenumber": "83",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160680641,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "Groep van assistentiewoningen Antoniushof",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160680641,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Groep van assistentiewoningen Antoniushof"
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			"addresses": [
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					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Meelstraat",
					"housenumber": "41",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160680839,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "LDC Speltinckx",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160680839,
					"language": "NL",
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					"name": "LDC Speltinckx"
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			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9050",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Meersemdries",
					"housenumber": "4",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160681037,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "LDC De Thuishaven",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160681037,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "LDC De Thuishaven"
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			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Neuseplein",
					"housenumber": "33",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160681433,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "Facitlity - Leerwerkplekken",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160681433,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Facitlity - Leerwerkplekken"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9050",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Oefenpleinstraat",
					"housenumber": "6",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160681730,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "Woonbegeleiding - WB Gent Zuid",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160681730,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Woonbegeleiding - WB Gent Zuid"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Offerlaan",
					"housenumber": "4",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160682126,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "Pol fracties",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160682126,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Pol fracties"
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			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Onderbergen",
					"housenumber": "80",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160682225,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "Gezondheid en zorg",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160682225,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Gezondheid en zorg"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Onderbergen",
					"housenumber": "82",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160682621,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "OZ / gedetacheerden / art.60 priv\u00e9",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160682621,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "OZ / gedetacheerden / art.60 priv\u00e9"
			"contacts": [
					"id": 2160682621,
					"via": "TEL",
					"value": "09/266 93 63"
					"id": 2160682621,
					"via": "EMAIL",
					"value": ""
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Onderbergen",
					"housenumber": "84",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160682720,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "Secretarie - Voorlichting en Drukkerij - Communicatie en kwaliteit - Centrale administratie",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160682720,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Secretarie - Voorlichting en Drukkerij - Communicatie en kwaliteit - Centrale administratie"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Onderbergen",
					"housenumber": "86",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160686480,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "WB Nieuw Gent",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160686480,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "WB Nieuw Gent"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Rerum-Novarumplein",
					"housenumber": "180",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160686678,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "Pension De Baai",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160686678,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Pension De Baai"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Roggestraat",
					"housenumber": "118",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160687074,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "Welzijn en Samenleving",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160687074,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "Welzijn en Samenleving"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Sint-Martensstraat",
					"housenumber": "13",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160687668,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "LDC De Boei",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160687668,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "LDC De Boei"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9000",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Vaartstraat",
					"housenumber": "2A",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160687965,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "WZC De Liberteyt",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160687965,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "WZC De Liberteyt"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9032",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Vroonstalledries",
					"housenumber": "22",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
			"activities": []
			"id": 2160688064,
			"start": "2005-01-01",
			"enterprise": 212214125,
			"name": "WZC De Vijvers",
			"seeAlso": {
				"databe": "",
				"kbodata": "",
				"kbopub": ""
			"denominations": [
					"id": 2160688064,
					"language": "NL",
					"nametype": 3,
					"name": "WZC De Vijvers"
			"contacts": [],
			"addresses": [
					"zip": "9050",
					"municipality": "Gent",
					"street": "Walstraat",
					"housenumber": "1",
					"box": "",
					"extra": "",
					"striking": null
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